How to get started

Admission policies

The Ark is open to children from 12 months through 12 years of age. We operate on a non-discriminatory basis, according to equal treatment and access without regard to race, sex, nationality or religion.  The Ark is fully licensed by the state.


Operating hours

The Ark’s operating hours are from 6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.


The Ark is licensed through the Washington state’s Department of Early Learning. All staff must register in MERIT (Managed Education and Registry Information Tool) and go through a background check. All lead preschool teachers and several staff have received their AA degrees in Early Childhood Education from WWCC.

Registration fee: $75.00

Fees (* Aug 24' - Aug 25')

Toddlers - full day M-F $1232 per month

Preschool - full day M-F $1032 per month

School age - after school care M-F $21 per day

                        non school days (5-10 hours) $46.50 per day

*part time options are available



To start the enrollment process, call (509) 529-4000.



Children may not attend without proof of immunizations.  If for some reason a parent chooses not to have a child immunized, the parent must sign the exempt portion of the certificate of immunization status form.